Your therapist and coach trained in systemic therapy with a masters in psychology

Mental well-being and personal growth

Your experience and adventures as well as your goals are my top priority

Why is mental wellbeing so important?

"I hardly recognize myself!" Do you know the feeling of having lost control of your everyday life?

Excessive demands in everyday life, constant tiredness or inner restlessness, many worries and fears, emotional instability or even depressive episodes – all of these are signs that our mental health is suffering – and often we have not been feeling well for a long time.

"Come pull yourself together." Do you expect yourself to persevere and function even in challenging times?

Unlike physical ailments, when it comes to mental illness, we rarely go to the doctor and expect to be able to get by without help—we expect to be strong enough or not to show it. But our mental or emotional health is essential for our well-being, our quality of life, our willingness to perform and also our life expectancy.

How i will support you

Counselling sessions are for those phases in which you have the feeling that you can no longer cope in your everyday life or that you no longer recognize yourself. People experience these phases very differently – many are simply overwhelmed, exhausted and very tired. Others can hardly sleep and are always restless. Most lose joy in everyday life, feel tense, irritable, hopeless, and become embittered. Many also have anxiety and depressive episodes.

As a therapist, my focus is on the following topics – get in touch if you recognize yourself in these goals:

  • Mental Health: Are you struggling with depression or other mental illness and need support to overcome and recover?
  • Well-being: Would you like to recover from a stressful phase, feel more motivated and energetic in your everyday life and feel good in your own skin again?
  • Self-reflection: Would you like to understand yourself better and learn how to calm yourself down and support yourself emotionally?
  • Confidence: Tired of criticizing or questioning yourself and want to regain the confidence to pursue your personal goals?
  • Personal growth: Do you have certain wishes and goals and would you like to find a way to get closer to them and develop yourself personally?
  • Build relationships: Your relationships with other people are very important to you and you want to trust others, build healthy relationships and feel that you are in good hands?

What is mental wellbeing?

Mental well-being does not simply mean not having mental illnesses. It describes a feeling of being able to shape our life and giving it meaning, as well as the opportunity not only to master everyday life, but to be able to enjoy it.

We recognize a high level of psychological well-being from the following signs, among others:

  • Self-Acceptance: We are okay with where we are in our lives right now and we can understand our past and our desires for the future.
  • Self-confidence: We believe in our path and that our best is always good enough.
  • Motivation: We have energy and interest in experiencing things and actively shaping our environment.
  • Ambitions: We feel capable and want to achieve something.
  • Healthy relationships: We are open to socializing, maintain healthy relationships, and feel comfortable in our family or community.
  • Personal Growth: We want to learn new things, get ahead in life and grow as individuals.

Take the first step

Book a free 20-minute appointment to get to know each other.

This is how I can help you to improve your mental well-being

Your path to more emotional stability and psychological well-being is as individual as you are – and you often only find out what is good for you if you try it. Together we will answer the following questions:

  • How did your crisis experience shape you and how did you deal with it and how were you able to gain new confidence?
  • What is good in everyday life to heal from anxiety, depression and burnout or to find better ways to deal with other mental illnesses?
  • How can you stop criticizing yourself and supporting yourself – just like a good friend?
  • How do you find inspiration to develop yourself and also confidence that your dreams can come true?

My therapeutic approaches

Systemic Counselling: Counselling sessions can help you reconnect with yourself and find new ways to deal with the demands and challenges of everyday life. I encourage them to seek counselling at the stages when they feel they have lost themselves.

Coaching – stress management: The coaching helps you to free yourself from the whirlpool of everyday stress, to regain your mental stability and to initiate personal changes.

Training – self-reflection and self-confidence: The training accompanies you to reflect on your current situation and challenges in order to find out what you can change to regain your self-confidence, your courage and your zest for life.


Your path to more emotional stability and psychological well-being is as individual as you are – and you often only find out what is good for you if you try it. The following key questions are helpful in finding ways and methods that are personally good for you:

  • How did your crisis experience shape you and how did you deal with it and how were you able to gain new confidence?
  • What is good in everyday life to heal from anxiety, depression and burnout or to find better ways to deal with other mental illnesses?
  • How can you stop criticizing yourself and supporting yourself – just like a good friend?
  • How do you find inspiration to develop yourself and also confidence that your dreams can come true?

We often find it difficult to figure out how to improve our own well-being – we often focus on a lack or on things that are difficult for us. Then it can be helpful to turn the question around and consider what we would wish and recommend for a loved one to help them have a better wellbeing. And whatever ideas you have for other people, you can try them on yourself to see what makes you feel better.

Mental well-being is a concept in psychology. It doesn’t just mean not having mental illnesses. It describes a feeling of being able to shape our life and giving it meaning, as well as the opportunity not only to master everyday life, but to be able to enjoy it.

Mental well-being relates to all areas of our lives and relates to both our body, our mind and our soul. Of course, our environment plays a very important role in this, because the structures in which we live have a major impact on our ability to satisfy our basic needs, to fulfil one or the other wish and to grow personally. In addition, however, our attitude and a certain lightness in relation to our everyday life, challenges or even crises are very important. On the other hand, relationships are very important. On the one hand, our relationship and how we deal with ourselves, e.g. how we speak to ourselves, show ourselves love and trust and encourage ourselves. On the other hand, the quality of our relationships with other people.

We recognize a high level of psychological well-being from the following signs, among others:

  • Self-Acceptance: We are okay with where we are in our lives right now and we can understand our past and our desires for the future.
  • Self-confidence: We believe in our path and that our best is always good enough.
  • Motivation: We have energy and interest in experiencing things and actively shaping our environment.
  • Ambitions: We feel capable and want to achieve something.
  • Healthy relationships: We are open to socializing, maintain healthy relationships, and feel comfortable in our family or community.
  • Personal Growth: We want to learn new things, get ahead in life and grow as individuals.

We are all evolving every day – yes, every hour. It can be helpful to reflect on our own personal development to see whether we are living up to our values, beliefs and goals. A coach can help to align personal development in such a way that it suits you and your goals for your future.

Personal development is generally very valuable in order to advance oneself and to live in harmony with one’s own values, needs and goals. The process is particularly necessary and important at times when you feel like you are no longer coping with your everyday life or that you no longer know yourself. People experience these phases very differently – many are simply overwhelmed, exhausted and very tired. Others can hardly sleep and are always restless. Most lose joy in everyday life, feel tense, irritable, hopeless, and become embittered. Many also have anxiety or depressive episodes. While personal development is more challenging for people living with a personality disorder, it is essential.





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Available for you in urgent cases


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Reflect with Juliane – M. Sc. Psychology and Systemic Counsellor

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Virtual meetings & face-to-face meetings in Johannesburg on appointment.
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