Your therapist and coach trained in systemic therapy with a masters in psychology


Your experience and adventures as well as your goals are my top priority


Challenges and constant stress at work

"It can't go on like this." Do you know these thoughts when you wake up in the morning and think about your working day? You've come to the right place if you're hoping for more from your professional life. My coaching and counselling sessions can help you if you want to plan your career, if professional development is important to you or if you are looking for a new or reorientation in your career.

Self-doubt, fears and personal crises

"I hardly recognize myself!" Many of us know the feeling of having lost control of everyday life. Excessive demands in everyday life, constant tiredness or inner restlessness, many worries and fears, emotional instability or even depressive feelings – all of these are signs that our mental health is suffering – and often we have not been feeling well for a long time. My offer of systemic counselling sessions and self-reflection can help you to get in touch with yourself again and to find new ways. Coaching and training to cope with stress are one way of dealing with the demands and challenges of everyday life.

Separation, tension or conflict in interpersonal relationships

"How did we get to this point?" Healthy, stable relationships are like a safe haven – where we can let go and recharge our batteries and where we can at the same time experience support to go out into the world and have new experiences. But maybe you are missing this stability in your relationships at the moment, are you experiencing conflicts or crises or are you even stuck in a toxic relationship? Counselling sessions can help you build and live healthy and balanced relationships. The quality of our relationships depends on the one hand on healthy interactions with one another and on the other hand on our relationship with ourselves and our past.

Crisis management, anxiety treatment, depression and burn-out

Woman having nervous breakdown in front of group at aa therapy meeting
Receptionist Offering Procedure
Employee wellness programs

Professional challenges and career development

Career planning and professional reorientation

Work conflict resolution

Personal development, self-doubt and imposter syndrome

Available for you in urgent cases


Arrange an introductory appointment now


Reflect with Juliane – M. Sc. Psychology and Systemic Counsellor

Opening hours

Virtual meetings & face-to-face meetings in Johannesburg on appointment.
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