Your therapist and coach trained in systemic therapy with a masters in psychology

Career and professional development

Your experience and adventures as well as your goals are my top priority

"It can not go on like this..."

You know those thoughts when you wake up thinking about your work day in the morning?

You've come to the right place if you're hoping for more from your professional life. More fulfilment, more growth, more responsibility, more serenity, more flexibility or just more money.

My coaching and counselling sessions can help you if you want to plan your career, if your professional development is important to you or if you are looking for a new or reorientation in your career.

My focus is on the following challenges – feel free to get in touch if you recognize yourself in them:

  • Frustration– Do you often struggle with frustration or a feeling of dissatisfaction at work?
  • Stress– Do you feel stressed, exhausted and restless at the same time?
  • Uncertainty– Are you insecure at work and is fear your constant companion?
  • Demotivation– Do you feel demotivated, discouraged and just reactive?
  • Discontent– Are you hopeless and far away from your goals and dreams?

How I will help you

As a career coach, I will accompany you in your professional development – you are in the right place if you are pursuing the following goals:

  • Personal development– Do you want more responsibility, are you aiming for a management position or do you want a better salary?
  • Next career step– Is it important to you to pursue interesting activities and have a fulfilling career?
  • Decision making– Are you at a crossroads and want to find out which future plans suit you best?
  • Shaping the future– You need a job change, new goals or just courage to go a new way?
  • Better wellbeing– Or are you just longing for a more relaxed everyday life, more serenity or a better work-life balance?

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What does professional development mean?

Professional development is very individual. It can contain the following building blocks, which become particularly important at different times in life.

  1. Your personal vision forms the basis of your career – at the beginning it is essential to find out what is important to you.
  2. A good overview of the different options is a good first step – careers advice is very helpful for those starting their careers and those who have graduated.
  3. The next step is career planning with clear goals and intermediate goals and concrete next steps.
  4. Professional application training is helpful for your first job or a job change.
  5. If you have clear goals and plans, a good strategy on how you want to achieve them is crucial.
  6. Skills training can help you improve your performance and ensure you can grow at work and get more responsibility and money.
  7. Leadership training helps you take the next step in your career.

Like any change, professional development is a process – steps are crucial:

  1. Self reflection– Where are you at the moment?
  2. Change– Where do you want to go?
  3. New habits– How can you change your everyday life to achieve your goals?

Take the first step

Book a free 20-minute appointment to get to know each other.

This is how I help you with your professional development

A plan for your career is as individual as you are – and depends entirely on your vision and your idea of ​​a fulfilling career. Together we will answer the following questions:

  • Personal vision
    • What would you like to achieve in your professional life so that you can look back on your career with satisfaction and pride?
    • Which job best suits your passions and strengths?
    • Which tasks and activities do you enjoy the most?
  • Career Planning
    • What does career mean to you?
    • What aspects of a job are important to you?
    • What goals do you want to achieve in 10, 5 and in a year?
  • Personal career and next steps
    • Which professional competences and skills are a prerequisite for achieving your goals?
    • What steps can you take to get more responsibility, a managerial position or a satisfactory salary?
    • Which experiences and insights are essential for your career?
  • Personal development
    • How can you bring about change and practice new behaviours?
    • What obstacles do you see on your way and how can you overcome them?
    • To what extent is your personality development decisive for your career?

My offer

In coaching and systemic counselling sessions in my virtual consultation room, I offer you new perspectives on your current situation, support to find your way and accompany you in your next steps. In order to support you in your career and professional development, I offer the following formats:

  • Systemic coaching: My coaching helps you with your professional and personal development and gives you clarity for difficult and far-reaching decisions. Over the years I have been able to support many people who were dissatisfied with their working environment, somehow stuck or just wanted to try something new.
  • Competence training – personal strategies in a professional context:The training imparts specialist knowledge and skills and gives practical instructions on how to strategically plan your own personal attitude and behaviour at work so that you can regain control and perform well. Practical exercises not only help you to react in a professional context, but also to reflect on how you deal with others and to establish new behavioural patterns.
  • Vocational advice and career planning: Together we will develop a vision for you, which type of work suits you, which position suits your interests and in which environment you can live out and develop your strengths. Based on this, you can find your own way and we plan your intermediate goals and concrete next steps.
  • Professional application training:The training helps you to work on your applications in a concentrated and confident manner and strengthens you for the job interviews. I have several years of experience with so-called "case interviews" for the world's leading management consulting firms.


A job suits you if the following things are true:

  • You experience many moments in which you forget the time.
  • You feel that you are needed.
  • You can use your strengths.
  • You will be paid fairly and well.

As part of my career coaching, you will get some practice and work with me on activities to plan your personal vision and career goals.

I am sure that you too feel a need to learn and grow – it is human nature. I firmly believe that it is time for professional development when your curiosity and interest in your job are not being satisfied or you feel that you are not moving.

If you’re at a crossroads and have the feeling that “it can’t go on like this after all”, then it’s time for a professional reorientation. In my experience, there are two reasons for this:

  1. Your work is draining you right now and you’re wondering how much longer you can hold out.
  2. You hope for more from your professional life and do not want to be satisfied with the current situation.

Further education, training or even a degree are good ideas for professional development – but by no means your only options. Professional development is about planning your next steps in concrete terms. Together we will look at all areas of your professional life:

  • Your activities and the experience and expertise you need for them.
  • Your network, your role in the team and working with others.
  • Your opportunities to take on more responsibility or a leadership role.

For all these areas, we discuss where you are at the moment and what you want to achieve – and this gives us more clarity on how you can develop further.

If you have the feeling again, “I’m on a path that suits me well, that’s not too difficult for me and that I like to follow”, then we have reached the goal of your professional reorientation. And this path can look very different – a new job, more responsibility in your job, further training or self-employment – together we will find out what suits you best.

A career coach addresses your current desires and challenges and helps you to find solutions and plan your next steps. This process is very individual – the following changes are just a few examples of how I can help you too:

  • Develop a vision for your career
  • Gain clarity for difficult and far-reaching decisions
  • Approaching a new job or role with confidence and optimism
  • Regain the feeling of being in control and powerful
  • To reflect on how you deal with your colleagues and to establish new behavioural patterns.
  • To work on your applications with concentration and confidence
  • Job interviews successful most
  • Prepare you for self-employment and master it successfully

In order to find out what type you are and which career suits you well, it helps that you imagine your future as concretely as possible. Then we look at the different components of your professional life – your job, your salary, how much free time and flexibility you have, whether you work alone or in a team and how much responsibility you will have and what opportunities for personal and professional development you have stand open. The thought journey into your future will help us to find out which career suits you best.


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Reflect with Juliane – M. Sc. Psychology and Systemic Counsellor

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Virtual meetings & face-to-face meetings in Johannesburg on appointment.
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