Your therapist and coach trained in systemic therapy with a masters in psychology

Professional challenges and professional development

Your experience and adventures as well as your goals are my top priority

Why are challenges important for our professional development?

“How can I do my job justice today and be professionally successful?” Do these thoughts in the morning or on the way to work sound familiar? Then you are certainly experiencing many hurdles in your job at the moment and at the same time you are motivated to master them as best as possible. And that's a great place to start to tackle your professional challenges and capitalize on that experience. I am happy to support you on this path, especially if the current situation feels very unusual, difficult or complicated.

How do we experience professional challenges?

Then you are certainly experiencing many hurdles in your job at the moment and at the same time you are motivated to master them as best as possible. And that’s a great place to start to tackle your professional challenges and capitalize on that experience. I am happy to support you on this path, especially if the current situation feels very unusual, difficult or complicated.

In this growth zone, we benefit from clearly defined goals and an idea of ​​how we can achieve them – targeted planning and consultation are an important prerequisite for professional development.

In addition, we often need specific skills and concrete knowledge in order to be able to achieve our goals – valuable input, further training and some practice are helpful in mastering professional challenges.

Every learning process also confronts us with emotional hurdles and involves the risk that we don’t feel good enough, are overwhelmed or want to give up – confidence, motivation and emotional stability are essential to be successful in a job.

We encounter challenges very often in a professional context – on the one hand we cannot always choose our tasks and at the same time we are also looking for specific challenges in order to advance professionally and personally. And looking back, we are often grateful and proud when we have surpassed ourselves. And it usually feels better to be able to decide for ourselves when and which challenging tasks we want to tackle.

Changes in our professional context – whether voluntary or unintentional – can also be very difficult – they have a massive impact on our future, can be unsettling and require new skills from us. We often feel a certain pressure and only accept changes when there is no other way. We often feel stronger and more confident when we can actively shape our lives.

Take the first step

Book a free 20-minute appointment to get to know each other.

What does coaching bring to professional development?

Coaching is helpful in various situations:

  • In order to master new, unfamiliar tasks in the best possible way.
    • Understanding what a change means for us and what can help us to go through it successfully.
    • Recognize existing resources and use them as growth opportunities.
    • Develop and strengthen leadership skills.
  • To find a way of dealing with complicated or apparently hopeless situations.
    • To clearly define one's own tasks, areas of responsibility and the actual role in the professional context.
    • Strategically dealing with difficulties in our environment that limit us.
    • Refuelling our energy stores and improving our work-life balance.
  • To improve professional performance.
    • Overcoming hidden blockages within us.
    • Identification of concrete goals and action strategies to achieve them.
    • Changing behaviours that hold us back professionally.
    • Sometimes our current career does not allow us to get the best out of ourselves – then we have to plan our further career steps carefully and sometimes there is a professional reorientation or reorientation – here too coaching can be very helpful

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Reflect with Juliane – M. Sc. Psychology and Systemic Counsellor

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Virtual meetings & face-to-face meetings in Johannesburg on appointment.
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