Your therapist and coach trained in systemic therapy with a masters in psychology

Work conflict resolution

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The most common problems in teams

In the dynamic landscape of the workplace, conflicts are an inevitable part of team dynamics, especially when a business is going through a tough time or employees experience pressure. Identifying the root causes and implementing effective conflict resolution strategies are crucial for maintaining a healthy work environment. Work conflicts often arise from poor communication, misunderstandings, individual working habits, or interpersonal problems among employees. Addressing only the surface-level symptoms or behaviors is insufficient; understanding the root cause is essential for effective resolution. One significant challenge lies in the time and energy invested in endless conversations about complaints or problems without truly grasping basic expectations or underlying needs. I offer mediation sessions on a company level for multiple employees, as well as individual counseling focusing on work conflict resolution. This will help you to understand the conflicts you are experiencing, identify the role you are playing and what others are contributing, develop empathy for one another and find a resolution for the current challenges.

What challenges do teams have to overcome?

The demands on teams today are enormous:

  • Teams are under pressure to work as efficiently as possible – Teams need to find ways to continually improve how they work together.
  • The tasks and challenges in the working world are very complex – teams must ensure detailed planning and coordination with all members.
  • Teams are subject to many changes – Teams must regularly welcome and integrate new employees.

A manager is expected to lead increasingly complex processes, master a variety of challenges and at the same time respond to different personalities and strengthen team development and the professional growth of individual members.

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What are the most common problems teams face?

Poor communication, misunderstandings about objectives, poor work attitude of individual members or interpersonal issues are often cited as the most common problems of teams. For me, the biggest challenge is the time and energy that teams invest in endless conversations about specific complaints or problems – without ever understanding the fundamental expectations or underlying needs, let alone being able to address them.

What can sustainably strengthen teams and keep them together?

I have dealt a lot with the challenges and difficulties in teams – and have learned to focus on the resources and opportunities. I gained experience in team leadership as the founder and chairwoman of an association. 

Over the years, I have learned that the following processes are particularly important for strengthening teams in the long term:

  • Strengthen communication and create rituals for regular and concrete exchange without investing unnecessary time. 
  • Involve members in decision-making, idea generation and planning and define clear goals. 
  • Raise ambitions, strengthen the sense of ownership of all members and celebrate moments of success. 
  • Hand over responsibilities and create growth opportunities for members.

And I consider the following interventions to be particularly important in preventing ongoing conflict, listlessness, sabotage or team disintegration:

  • Recognize complaints and conflicts as signs of deeper needs – and address them. 
  • Address dissatisfaction and find solutions before frustration can arise and members withdraw. 
  • Define clear boundaries and enter into unpleasant conversations – instead of tolerating the inadequate attitude of individual members. 
  • Understand and appreciate different types and behavior – and adapt interventions to meet members’ individual preferences.

What makes a team?

  • Teams are groups in organizational context.
  • A team has a specific goal or is working on a specific task.
  • Team members are interdependent and work closely together.
  • The team develops its own ways and forms of cooperation.
  • Every team has its own dynamic or team spirit

How can individual members pose a challenge to a team?

Individual personalities also influence teamwork. First, team members project their own expectations and attitudes onto others. Second, personal challenges or crises can limit people's teamwork and performance. Third, a lack of motivation or attitude from one member can hold back the whole team. In these cases, it is important to analyse the role of each member in a team and what specific interventions are needed for each member to resolve problems.

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Reflect with Juliane – M. Sc. Psychology and Systemic Counsellor

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