Your therapist and coach trained in systemic therapy with a masters in psychology

Career planning and professional reorientation

Your experience and adventures as well as your goals are my top priority

As a coach, I will accompany you in your career planning and your professional reorientation – you are in the right place if you are pursuing the following goals:

  • Professional reorientation-Would you like to initiate changes, a new area of ​​responsibility or more responsibility, or are you aiming for a management position?
  • Next career step– Is it important to you to pursue interesting activities and have a fulfilling career?
  • Decision making– Are you at a crossroads and want to find out which future plans suit you best?
  • Shaping the future– Do you need a job change, new goals or just courage to go a new way?
  • Better wellbeing-Or are you just longing for a relaxed everyday life, more serenity or a better work-life balance?

What does professional reorganization mean?

Professional reorientation and reorientation means leaving your usual working environment and initiating changes – this can be a new position, a new area of ​​responsibility or a completely new job. The courageous step into self-employment is also a professional reorientation.

Challenges or negative feelings that drag on for weeks or months are a sign that a change is needed. If you no longer enjoy your job and have to force yourself to work every day, you will benefit from a reorientation.

The desire for a change often arises from new professional opportunities or possibilities.

  • Inspiration from outside and new ambitions to achieve professional success.
  • Develop new interests and motivation, new skills and abilities.
  • A new area of ​​responsibility, more responsibility or a management position.
  • A start into independence.

However, many people also long for a reorientation because they currently feel dissatisfied or overwhelmed in their professional life.

  • Always the same pressure or a lot of stress – up to burn-out.
  • Lack of support or lack of appreciation.
  • Underchallenged by always the same routine or boring work content.
  • No career prospects or development opportunities.
  • Poor leadership style or toxic team dynamics

Changes in your private life can also make professional reorientation necessary:

  • A difficult life situation that no longer allows you to do your job as before.
  • Starting a family or parental leave.
  • A desire for more work-life balance.
  • A bad economic situation or an impending job loss.

It is important not to make hasty or ill-considered decisions out of frustration. A new career planning can help to make a professional reorientation as successful as possible. The following considerations are helpful:

  • What is your personal vision?
  • What kind of work do you like?
  • Which position suits your interests?
  • In which environment can you live out and develop your strengths?
  • What feedback did you get from outside?
  • What values ​​are important to them?

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Reflect with Juliane – M. Sc. Psychology and Systemic Counsellor

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Virtual meetings & face-to-face meetings in Johannesburg on appointment.
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