Your therapist and coach trained in systemic therapy with a masters in psychology

Finding Joy in Simple Moments: A Journey Through Our Healing Retreats

Your experience and adventures as well as your goals are my top priority


Watching the sunrise has been a profound source of healing for me during the challenging times in my life. This daily ritual has offered me a sense of peace, clarity, and a renewed spirit. When I developed our retreats, I knew that beginning each day with the sunrise was essential. Sharing this powerful experience with participants has been not only transformative for them but also a blessing for me. The sunrise symbolises the merging of my own journey of healing and growth with the nurturing space I aim to create for you.

Discovering Happiness in the Small Things

We often believe that happiness lies in significant changes, grand achievements, or becoming entirely different versions of ourselves. However, I have come to realise that true joy is found in the small, everyday moments. As my mother always loved to say, “Geh’ aus mein Herz und suche Freud,” which translates to “Go out, my heart, and seek joy.” Happiness is not something we acquire, possess, or achieve; it is a daily practice of seeking and embracing joy in our lives.

Creating a Community of Acceptance and Vulnerability

One of the most beautiful aspects of our retreats is the sense of community that forms among participants. People come together, share their stories, and show genuine interest and acceptance of one another’s vulnerabilities. Witnessing this transformation into a supportive, healing community is incredibly rewarding. Each group is unique and special, bringing its own dynamic to the retreat experience.

Awakening Our Senses

Throughout the retreat, we focus on awakening our senses and connecting with the present moment. This includes sharing my favourite teas, lighting incense sticks, and using essential oils each morning to ground ourselves. These small rituals help us check in with our bodies and minds, fostering a deep sense of connection with ourselves.

The Power of Small Meditations

We practise small meditations throughout the day, recognising their calming effect on our bodies and souls. At the retreats, meditation is not about perfection or performance; it is about sitting with our thoughts, embracing daily distractions, and showing up for ourselves with acceptance and compassion.

Marvelling at Nature’s Beauty

Nature plays a significant role in our retreats. We marvel at the beauty of sunrises, sunsets, and the night sky filled with stars. The many beautiful birds that visit our farm add to this sense of wonder and connection. These moments in nature remind us of the simple joys that life offers.

Cultivating Kindness and Empathy

As a therapist, I have always been fascinated by our capacity to show empathy and kindness to others. During the retreats, we explore how to extend that same compassion to ourselves. By imagining what we would wish and do for others, we learn to apply that love and care to our own lives.

Embracing Physical Movement

Physical activity is a well-researched approach to enhancing our well-being. The walks and yoga sessions at our retreats help participants reconnect with their bodies, promoting physical and mental health.

Prioritising Sleep and Nutrition

Basic needs like sleep and healthy food are often neglected in our busy lives. At the retreat, we emphasise the importance of these essentials. Participants have the opportunity to catch up on sleep and enjoy wholesome meals, reconnecting with their bodies and overall well-being.

Integrating Happiness Research

Our retreats incorporate the latest happiness research, exploring what brings joy, peace, and contentment to our lives. Yale professor Dr Laurie Santos, a leading researcher in this field, emphasises that happiness is a daily practice, not a one-time achievement. Our retreats provide a space to practise these daily rituals together, creating a foundation that participants can carry into their everyday lives.

We can’t wait to welcome you at our retreats

Through these small yet powerful moments, our retreats offer a pathway to joy and healing. By embracing the sunrise, forming a supportive community, awakening our senses, practising meditation, marvelling at nature, cultivating kindness, engaging in physical movement, and prioritising sleep and nutrition, we create a holistic environment for growth and happiness. Join us on this journey, and discover the profound impact that these simple practices can have on your life.

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Reflect with Juliane – M. Sc. Psychology and Systemic Counsellor

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Virtual meetings & face-to-face meetings in Johannesburg on appointment


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