Your therapist and coach trained in systemic therapy with a masters in psychology

Therapist for Teambuilding in Sandton

Your experience and adventures as well as your goals are my top priority

Encourage collaboration in your team

Most people work in teams – and this means that the results of their work depend not only on themselves, but on the other team members. A team is successful when all members can contribute with their individual strengths and weaknesses. Teamwork also has a major impact on our motivation and loyalty. A team has a positive impact on its members when they feel they are taken seriously and are able to grow at the same time. And teams influence our well-being. A team can strengthen its members when everyone feels they belong and feel safe – it is important that mistakes are allowed to be made and dealt with constructively.

Why team building?

Team building is a prerequisite for a strong and successful team. The process of team building helps teams find the right place for each member and create a safe space where all members feel recognized and supported.

Team building describes targeted measures and includes exercises, psychological methods, games and fun activities as well as coaching. Team building pursues the following goals:

  • Create team spirit and positive dynamics.
  • Promote belonging and cohesion.
  • Optimize team development and collaboration.
  • Master challenges and accompany changes.
  • Strengthen the team spirit of all members.

The following factors are crucial to make team building successful and form a strong team.

  • A clear goal.
    • It is important to define a clear and realistic goal for team building.
    • It is crucial that all members can identify with the goal.
  • The right group size.
    • Groups that are too small could not achieve set goals due to capacity
    • Groups that are too large may not be able to be coordinated
  • The right composition.
    • It is crucial that the members have certain things in common.
    • But a team needs different personalities who can challenge and support each other
    • A diverse composition is important, otherwise there is a risk that everyone will have the same skills and opinions and will no longer be innovative or curious
  • Competent and motivated managers.
    • It is crucial that the team leadership is accepted and supported by all members.
    • The team leader must take responsibility for the project and team building.
  • Good and efficient communication.
    • All members need access to relevant information.
    • Regular exchange, meetings and team events can improve communication.

The process of team building can be described in five phases according to Bruce Tuckman.

  • Contact – getting to know each other, first communication and orientation.
  • Conflict – initial confrontation, disagreements, formation and splitting off of small sub-groups.
  • Contract – increasing cooperation, clear role allocation and a sense of togetherness
  • Cooperation – members find a suitable place and can contribute, growth as individuals and as a team.
  • Change or dissolution – cooperation is terminated or the composition of the team changes.

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Reflect with Juliane – M. Sc. Psychology and Systemic Counsellor

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