Your therapist and coach trained in systemic therapy with a masters in psychology

Our retreats

Your experience and adventures as well as your goals are my top priority


Our retreats are hosted at our farm close to Cullinan (30 minutes drive from Menlyn & one hour from Johannesburg North). We take you out of the city and into nature where you will be surrounded by beautiful birds during the day and stars at night. Our own little space is calm and simple – we have all the necessary facilities, our own water and solar power, but purposefully no luxuries so you can be in touch with nature and in touch with yourself. Our farm hosts a group of volunteers that are part of the non-profit organisation, Bridging Gaps. With your contributions you support our work to empower young people, set a sign for equality and inclusion and train young entrepreneurs to make a living. We can’t wait to welcome you.

Prices per weekend

The cost includes accommodation, food, facilitation and one coaching session with me 🌱

  • R1500 for a room sharing
  • R2500 for a single room with shared bathroom
  • R4000 for a single room with on suite bathroom

We ask for a donation for our facilitators – you give how much you want to contribute.

Mind & Body relationship

22. – 24.08.2024

Mehak – breathwork and yoga instructor & Juliane – therapist with masters in psychology

Many of us are feeling detached in our daily lives – we hardly have time to connect with ourselves, the people around us or nature. The never ending list of tasks and opportunities keeps us going and rushing. Passing by many things that are incredibly important for us and ignoring the essence of what our body and soul require. This retreat will guide you to pause, check in with your body through mindfulness exercises, connect with your soul through conscious reflection and be in touch with the other participants to build a powerful community that can guide you on your personal journey moving forward.

Training: Communication, conflict resolution and meditation training

06. – 08.09.2024

“Out beyond ideas of right and wrong, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” Rumi, 13th century 

Communication, empathy and our shared, good intentions are essential for us to meet each other and live together. But wherever people come together, there are misunderstandings, tension and conflict. We have designed this training to equip you with essential communication skills  and help you to mediate conflict. 

The training will transform your interpersonal interactions through the following five steps: 

  1. Practice empathy towards other people 
  2. Learn about non-violent communication and practice how to use it to solve a conflict
  3. Understand basic mediation skills to navigate interpersonal conflict
  4. Brainstorm and set intentions how you can approach current conflicts in your life
  5. Share practical ideas with other participants

Relaxation: Unwind in our cozy "Schwedentopf" Pool

Couples retreat: Finding each other again

27. – 29.09.2024

“The quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships”, this quote by the famous couples therapist Esther Perel describes the importance of this retreat. 

The retreat creates a space for you and your partner to focus on one another and work on the happiness and strength of your relationship in three steps:

  1. Acknowledge one another and reconnect
  2. Practice empathy and learn more about one another and your individual challenges
  3. Commit to a new and peaceful way forward together

It is a combination of conscious relationship habits, important conversations between you based on emotional focused therapy, and helpful insights from the perspective of a systemic to reconnect and revive your relationship. Juliane will use conversations and tools based on Emotional Focused Therapy and build on the experience she has gained working with couples in her offices in Johannesburg.

Therapeutic retreat: Say goodbye to your imposter syndrome - and start believing in yourself again

13. – 15.09.2024

You might be living with imposter syndrome, if you are always dissatisfied, no matter how hard you work, doubt yourself, no matter what you achieve, and constantly push yourself without being able to enjoy your successes. It doesn’t have to be like this, though – you can learn to believe in yourself and practice specific techniques how to support yourself again. 

The therapeutic retreat will create a space for you to confront and let go of your self-doubt in three steps:

  1. Become aware of your imposter syndrome  
  2. Understand your imposter syndrome so you can respond and remind yourself what you are capable of 
  3. Practice a new inner voice that believes in you and supports you  

The retreat will be a combination of meditation, breath work, educational input, group reflections and individual coaching sessions.

Couples retreat: Finding each other again

27. – 29.09.2024

“The quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships”, this quote by the famous couples therapist Esther Perel describes the importance of this retreat. 

The retreat creates a space for you and your partner to focus on one another and work on the happiness and strength of your relationship in three steps:

  1. Acknowledge one another and reconnect
  2. Practice empathy and learn more about one another and your individual challenges
  3. Commit to a new and peaceful way forward together

It is a combination of conscious relationship habits, important conversations between you based on emotional focused therapy, and helpful insights from the perspective of a systemic to reconnect and revive your relationship. Juliane will use conversations and tools based on Emotional Focused Therapy and build on the experience she has gained working with couples in her offices in Johannesburg.

Breathe & Reflect III

11. – 13.10.2024

This is the spring edition of our successful Breathe & Reflect retreat with yoga instructoer Mehak (200 YTTC, Yoga certification board, RYT) & Juliane.

The retreat will create a space and guide you from Friday evening to Sunday in three steps: 

1) To ground yourself and connect with your intentions

2) To come out of winter and release what is no longer serving you 

3) To blossom in sprint and take the next steps to thrive 

It will be a combination of breathwork, yoga sessions, group sessions and individual reflection, and one personal coaching session with Juliane.

Healing your broken heart: Finding yourself again after a breakup

25. – 27.10.2024

Many of us who has experienced a heartbreak will remember the deep sense of hurt, despair and hopelessness that overcomes us after we lose a loved one. And few life challenges compare to the impact of a breakup of a relationship we hold dearly. It can feel like we will never be able to let go of this persona and never get through these painful emotions.

This therapeutic retreat will help you to heal your broken heart in multiple steps:

  1. Connect with your heart and acknowledge your emotions – all that you are feeling
  2. Face your hurt, anger and frustrations – as painful as they are
  3. Understand what this breakup means to you – and how it connects to your childhood wounds 
  4. Take responsibility how you contributed to your own story – the first step to grow a s a person  
  5. Find a sense of connection and purpose again – starting with the group we will form at the retreat  

The retreat will incorporate ideas of the Conscious Uncoupling course by Katherine Woodward Thomas.

Take the first step

Book a free 20-minute appointment to get to know each other.

Available for you in urgent cases


Arrange an introductory appointment now


Reflect with Juliane – M. Sc. Psychology and Systemic Counsellor

Opening hours

Virtual meetings & face-to-face meetings in Johannesburg on appointment.
Book appointments easily using Calendly


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