Your therapist and coach trained in systemic therapy with a masters in psychology

Professional application training in Sandton

Your experience and adventures as well as your goals are my top priority

The Path to Professional Fulfilment

Do you have high ambitions and want to land your dream job? Then make sure that your application stands out and you are as well prepared as possible for the job interview. Because on the way to the most fascinating jobs and the best opportunities, you will encounter a lot of competition – and then your preparation will pay off. As a coach, I would be happy to help you look for a job, support you in working on your applications in a concentrated and confident manner and prepare you as best as possible for the job interviews. Many people experience the job search as a stressful phase in their life – rightly so, because it presents us with many challenges. I will accompany you in the application phase and support you in not giving up until you have achieved your goals.

Application coaching is important to ensure that you master the application phase as successfully as possible. It gives you the following advantages:

  • Personal Development – Make sure that your profile stands out and that you are positively remembered.
  • Job Search – Find suitable job offers and develop appealing application documents.
  • Interviews – Make sure you are well prepared and a good negotiator.
  • Career start – prepare yourself for the first days and weeks in your new job – these are crucial for your future career.

The way to your dream job

As part of the application coaching I support you in the following areas:

  • Personal development:
    • Develop personal strengths and find a way of dealing with your own challenges
    • Planning strategic behaviours to improve your chances in the application process – how can you ensure that they are remembered positively
    • Improve self-promotion and self-expression and increase self-confidence
    • Professional appearance or repositioning
  • Job search:
    • Analyse the labour market
    • Identify suitable job offers
    • Design of your application documents
  • Individual preparation for job interviews and assessment centres
    • Identification of your “green flags” – how to put your skills, which fit particularly well to the job, in the foreground
    • Preparation for “red flags” – how can you answer unpleasant or difficult questions and deal confidently with personal weaknesses
    • Preparation for successful negotiation with regard to working conditions and salary expectations
  • Career entry
    • Preparation for the first moments in the new job.
    • Personal strategy finding for the first 100 days.
    • Career planning in view of their professional development

As part of career guidance, I support you in career planning and job selection.

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Reflect with Juliane – M. Sc. Psychology and Systemic Counsellor

Opening hours

Virtual meetings & face-to-face meetings in Johannesburg on appointment.
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